Friday, February 28, 2020

Effective Technology Support Team Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Effective Technology Support Team - Essay Example The success enjoyed by Davies' team is proof of the fact that he enjoyed a rather effective technology support team. However, as we can see, his team was composed not only of his colleagues, but professors and graduates as well. This fact seems to point out, that for team success, it is not necessary to have a group of geniuses with a plethora of experience. So, what is it that actually determines how successful a team is Apart from having a well-defined objective, it is important for a team to have a clear process through which they will achieve that objective, i.e. the group defines and achieves a continuous series of 'small wins' along the way to a larger goal. In the example above, there were numerous problems the Stanley group faced along the way of the actual execution of the plan (such as the problem of controlling the car in dust and fog). However, the team was prepared for all the challenges they faced. Sure, they didn't have all the possible technologies they might need to get them through, but they had meticulously planned a specific line of action for each problem they might face. (Geoff Koch, former Intel editor, A team can only flourish when it exists in an easy yet involving environment, in the sense that there is a lot of healthy discussion in which virtually everyone participates, but it limited to the teams' objective. If discussion gets off track, someone (whose role is pre-assigned) brings it back to the task in hand. After listening to each other, members just voice any and all ideas that come to mind. They do net hesitate considering the fact that their creativity may be labeled stupidity. They disagree and criticize each other frequently, but they always scrutinize each others' reason for doing so, so that they might work constructively towards the objective of the team. The purpose is simply not to dominate the dissenter, but to resolve the issue. Conversely, the dissenters don't try to dominate the group; they simple voice a genuine difference of opinion. If there are basic disagreements that can't be immediately resolved, the group figures out a way to live with them without let ting them halt its efforts. A decision is only taken when there is either unanimous or at the very least a general agreement, but never when there was confusion regarding both sides of a choice. (MacGregor D., n.d., The Human Side of Enterprise), (Kaztenbach & Smith, n.d. The Wisdom of Teams) However, this is the scenario where a team has actually been assembled and it sets out to perform the task at hand. But how is that team chosen in the first place, i.e. how does team building actually occur The first question asked about any team member is the level of intelligence. Are their brains capable of computing the amount of data necessary for the task When designing a particular system, there are a million different problems he might face.Will that person be able to address those issues Very simple put, does he have what it takes (patience, experience, judgment, analytical/problem solving capabilities, etc)to handle his job Additionally, it helps if the team members are curious about the things they actually research into. For e.g.

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

The Representative and Her Constituents Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Representative and Her Constituents - Essay Example It is, therefore, arguable that a representative in this form of governance, has to share the democratic characteristics of the majority of the constituency or resemble those he represent for him to understand the concerns and empathize with the people. Melancton Smith has been credited for being the most well spoken antifederalist’s supporter, and the most conscious supporter of in-office relation. Smith argued that representatives should portray a true picture of the citizens they are representing, and be knowledgeable as far as their wants and situations are concerned (Mezey 21). He also argued that representatives should sympathize with the people and always aim at seeking their interests. His point was that the most essential knowledge for representatives is not political or commercial knowledge attained through education, but it is the knowledge of acquaintance with the occupations and concerns of the people. According to Smith, understanding the real commercial interest of a country does not only require the general ideas of the world, but also, most importantly, knowledge the country, its value, the manufactures, and the capability of the country to enlarge production (Mezey 35). Exercising such powers as laying duties, exercises, and taxes, requires more than acquaintance with the obscure parts of the financial system. ... He felt that this would not only help eliminate any plots against the authority and liberty of the government, but it would also be the best mode for remedy to such crimes. In concluding his speech, Smith said that the number of representatives should large so that while it embraces first class men, it should also admit to the middle class people (101). He felt that if the number were small, the office would be distinguished and elevated. In my opinion, his arguments were admirable since he was against office corruption. He called for prefect representation of the people. Smith believed that the size of the national legislature when coupled with the class-cultural deferential patterns would lead to a body comprised primarily by individuals from the refined and elevated classes. This is because he argued that the high-class people form better associations as compared to the poor and the middle class people who form such associations with difficulty. He, therefore, said that in case el ections by plurality were called, the great would be chosen because they unite their interests, with the poor dividing themselves. He further felt that if the first class were excluded from the legislation, they would be discontented and continually disturb the government. Majority-minority districts refer to the rule for new electoral boundaries to create electoral districts with a majority population of a grouping as a national minority (110). These voting districts have been created as a remedy to the increased underrepresentation of the interests of the minority in political matters. It ensures that the minority group is so large and geographically positioned such that a